Part No. : MD6226 | Manufacturer : raytheon company | Item Name: semiconductor device diode |
NSN: 5961-00-003-7893 (5961000037893) | CAGE Code: 82577 | FSC: 5961 Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware |
If you require part number MD6226 from Raytheon Company which is described as a Semiconductor Device Diode component ASAP Logistic Solutions is your sourcing solution. On this page, you can request a quote on part number MD6226 which is listed under the Federal Supply Class 5961 Semiconductor Devices and Associated Hardware. To ensure that you only procure the exact item you need to be sure to note that this particular product is listed with the NSN 5961000037893 and was produced under the CAGE Code 82577. To learn more about this listing or to simply initiate the purchasing process, complete and submit the RFQ form on this page for part MD6226 today Within 15 minutes of receiving and reviewing a completed request based on the information you provide a member of our staff will contact you to provide a tailored solution to your comparison needs.
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