Attention sparks over what can be stored to date in Hangar that is on a federal funded airport. The grants and funds that are allowed to fund these airports are for aeronautical purposes only. As different Air bases have different ruling based on different supervision the criteria for an airbase seems relatively the same. Rules varies from being complete silence to a hangar into a hangar incredibly restrictive.
The reason behind this new policy is to initiate a source of common sense into some of these lessees of hangars on the port. In order to assure any type of aeronautical users including helicopters, gliders, airplanes, balloon and skydivers have access to airport facilities, grants are formalized between entities. This is done through contracts that negotiate funding in exchange for this access. By accepting it, in accordance with the Airport Improvement Program, airports serve the National Airspace System for whatever method. Any activity that was intended to be carried out, must.
Though this gives those performing the aeronautical activities lots of freedom, there are some guidelines to follow. For instance, the airport property and facility must only be used for aviation purposes. On occasion, under FAA approval, the federal AIP funds can be used for non-related purposes.
The FAA issued its Final Policy on the non-Aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars. on the 9th of June 2016 which were very compliant with many of the pilot’s requests. Aircrafts that are non-airworthy would be prohibited to inhabitate the hangar. All in anything that does not correspond with airplanes ability to fly would be an issue.
“The Final Policy says that so long as the hangar is used primarily for aeronautical purposes, non-aeronautical items may be stored in the hangar if the items do not interfere with the aeronautical use of the hangar”.