Transistors are a semiconductor device that rose in prominence following World War II, rapidly replacing traditional vacuum tubes. As basic building blocks of modern electronics, transistors are capable of amplifying or switching electronic signals or power. Transistors may come in a few types, allowing for devices such as cellphones and personal computers to reach new heights in performance. In this blog, we will discuss the various advantages and benefits of transistors, allowing you to better understand why they are often used for the design of many electronics.
Microchip a widely known company that procures components and other electronic pieces has released two new sets SAM microcontrollers. These new MCU additions will consist of SAM D5x and SAM E5x microcontrollers. Both of these microcontrollers will be equipped with a 32- bit configuration. Along with the new configurations both of the SAM chips have the will power of an ARM Cortex M4 processor with a Floating-Point Unit (FPU).
World renown component distributor, TTI Inc. have increased their selection of receptacles for distribution. TTI has been fortunate enough to join links with Amphenol, a US company, to further distribute Amphenol’s receptacles through their European resources. This partnership was believed to increase both company’s revenue and increase TTI’s selection to help them provide their customers with premier products. The newly added receptacles are known as Amphenol’s FCI, Minitek 2.0mm.
Molex Incorporated, the manufacturer of electronic electronical and fiber optic interconnections systems that serve different types of industries including aerospace and defense has debuted their new products at the DesignCon 2017 Expo that took place in Santa Clara, CA. These included their new BiPass I/O and Backplane Cable Assemblies. These new products are a combination of QSFP+ ImpelTM and near ASIC connectors with thin Twinax cables. This allows them to create a more efficient technology that provides a low-insertion-loss alternative to PSC traces that increase their capabilities to 112 Gbps PAM-4 protocol.
FASTON has introduced a new series of receptacle terminals. Designed for “space constrained applications” this new respectable is to fit into smaller areas opening options to a whole other range of smaller applications. The receptacle is known for its low insertion force 250 capability and is measured at about 23% shorter than full size 250 series FASTON receptacles.
The digital isolator improves the performance and also improves the power and reliability they also have low power consumption.The New ADN465X device has high-speed LVDS signals that can directly isolate the prior model needed to deserialize. The new design resources are saves time by offering high-performance LVDS Solution.The main feature of the LVDS is the digital isolator that comes with 600 – Mbps throughput. The new ADN465x comes with 70 -ps total jitters, 10-kVpk with 6KV to reinforce surge protection. This device comes with 3 – channel configurations.
Balluff a well-known sensor technology company offers a bidirectional data memory card module for hard to fit mounting areas. This well-designed component can a be a vital accessory to memory storage for interchangeable machinery. Having such a complex size measured at a 34x16x8mm for hard to fit areas. Typically used on milling heads on gantry type machining centres that are excessive in size.
EAO now offers new innovate LED light up switches for control panels and devices that with stand harsh conditions. Designed and put together to optimize vision in extreme sunlight and lower light situations. The switches have been made to meet the IP65 requirements that,
Chip technology has changed tremendously in the past few years, Diodes Incorporated has produced a new LED controller or driver known as AL1692 which act as a platform for triac-dimmable LED lamps. These are chips that include four internal MOSFET versions which allow drive lamps to be powered from 3W to 13W with a low-cost and a compact PCB size.
Supercapacitor is a “high capacity electrochemical capacitor with a capacitance values much higher than other capacitors but Lower voltage limits that bridge the gap between electrolytic capacitors and rechargeable batteries”. Recently AVX corporation who is a leading manufacturer and supplier of passive components and interconnect solutions have released a new series of modules. This is great news because it will be beneficial for many people.